Almost Time!

Three more days and I will begin my new journey! What a gift!

I’ve been wanting to move back to Texas for over a year now but everything I’ve tried in order to get there just hasn’t worked out.
My boss was on vacation week before last and I had decided that I just can’t deal with the craziness of this job, not to mention 15 hour days; it has all taken its toll on me. I began looking in the classifieds in Tyler (Texas) thinking to myself, why bother, I never find anything!
But there it was! An ad that sounded just right! I replied to the ad, and the woman got back to me right away. I was upfront and told her that I’m in the Cincinnati area but that I had lived in Tyler a couple of years and that I am really wanting to come back. We set up a time for her to call me. Before she called, I prayed, and I asked God to make this simple for me should this be His will because I can so many times try to force my own will but this time I had to really be sure. The woman and I spoke for quite awhile, and at the end of our conversation she said to go ahead and give my two weeks’ notice up here. When we hung up, I cried!!! I couldn’t believe it………………and it was just so simple! I figure you can’t get any more simple than “give your 2 weeks notice”! LOL!
The job isn’t right in Tyler, but it’s in Athens, which is only about half an hour away.
I am so grateful to be moving back!!! It’s going to be kinda hard at first with no car, but everything will work out I’m sure. I leave Friday. I’m taking the train………..I’ve made that trip so many times I could do it blindfolded!
I’ve lived in Texas 3 times and every time I’ve come back up here I’ve regretted it. I told Natasha I’m not coming back again; I’ll die in Texas! LOL

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